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Welcome to Emergency Fit

Programming designed for emergency
services and their schedules

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$20 Weekly
  • Access to program through the Emergency Fit app
  • Access to program online
  • Pre & post testing
  • Record & track results
  • Monthly education seminars
  • Access to online community
  • Levels: Beginner - Intermediate - Expert
  • Record & track results
  • New recipes weekly to keep your nutrition on track
  • Includes 2 weeks FREE


$80 Weekly
  • Customised & personalised program
  • Access to personalised program through the Emergency Fit app
  • Access to personalised program online
  • Customised difficulty level
  • Weekly check-ins
  • Pre & post testing
  • Record & track results
  • Monthly education seminars
  • Access to online community
  • Record & track results
  • New recipes weekly to keep your nutrition on track
  • Includes 2 weeks FREE


EmergencyFit was specifically designed to help our emergency service workers and professionals stay fit & healthy to endure the demands of the job. Working in a dynamic changing environment your body needs to be ready to face sudden challenges and respond accordingly. Whether you're looking to lose weight, increase fitness or build strength our specifically designed functional workouts will get the job done.


  • Flexible programs to fit shift patterns
  • Exercises to help combat fatigue
  • Dedicated rolling weekly programs
  • Get fit training at home or in your local gym
  • Functional weight training to avoid on the job injuries
  • Workouts to lose weight & build strength
  • Specifically designed for shift workers
  • Be apart of our amazing Facebook community group of EMS professionals on the same fitness journey
  • Weekly recipes to keep your nutrition on track!



Brooke Bio

I have been on a journey of sports, health and fitness for 20-years. During this time, I have developed a passion for working with people to become healthier, happier, setting goals and achieving them. Read More


Ray Bio

My journey in sport started at a young age. I played indoor lacrosse at an elite level for many years, and professionally as an adult. It wasn’t until my teens that I realised to keep up with my competition I needed to train off the floor. Read More


"The journey. I can’t believe how far I have travelled over the last seven weeks, it has being a journey to say the least. For several years I have made every excuse known to man or women, it’s the menopause, I don’t have time, I work hard I deserve a treat, which generally came in the shape of several things, cheese, wine, chocolate, wine there is a theme can you see it. I had become a couch potato who thought by swimming once a week and walking a 6k walk at weekends made me fairly fit oh how wrong I was.

The realisation came when I could no longer fasten my uniform, trousers or shirt the situation was dire and required some attention. I bit the bullet and started a healthy eating regime, along with Brooke and Rays EFit fitness program. I noted my weight and measured my chest, waist, hips, arms and thighs. It has been a roller coaster of hunger and aching muscles. However I feel I am actually doing something to combat the middle age spread.

Ray tailored the work outs to suit the beginner, over the last seven weeks I have improved my overall fitness tenfold. With each work out Ray provides a detailed video of how to, which as a novice was invaluable. I have learned that you do not need a gym to work out, you do not require expensive equipment. I have used sand in carrier bags for weight, a wooden plank on two milk crates for a step up bench, a bed sheet over a door for pull ups he made me realise it’s all achievable. MY goal is to loose 12kg and continue the fitness program with the help of Ray and Brooke.

The progress I have made is fantastic I am so proud and happy. I have lost 7kg and 35 cms in seven weeks. I have with the help of quarnteam developed a new normal, which I enjoy and am grateful for. I am excited to see the eight week result and continue making improvements to my overall health. Thank you EFit Team."

Sharron Holme

"I pride myself on having a general fitness, however, over the past 12 months due to an injury, I found myself unable to workout and taking anti inflamatories religiously just to get through the day.

8 weeks ago I hesitantly started the beginners program with the hope to get me moving again. Brooke and Ray were amazing with providing a well structured program that built on your ability each week. At any stage that I felt I needed an adaption to the exercise they responded within a short period of time with the perfect solution. Each step was supported with a video of how the exercise should look.

8 weeks later I have progressed further than I could've imagined. I'm back running at the same pace I was prior to my injury, I'm much stronger and most importantly I have significantly decreased my anti inflammatory usage.

Brooke and Ray, your support, guidance and professionalism are outstanding. I look forward to smashing through the intermediate program."


"My journey began due to the Gym closing because of COVID 19 and to support my better half (Sharron) as we both wanted to lose weight while getting fitter. Over the 8 weeks, combining a calorie-controlled diet and exercises I have managed to lose 12kg and improve my overall fitness. The EFit Fitness challenge has been great, good variation of exercises to a point where I will probably not renew my membership at the gym and just move onto the next level, Emergency Fit. Many thanks Ray and Brooke."

George Holme